Custom Map Creation


As it stands at the moment, the map section allows us to upload images and put pins on them, but not to create our own maps. I'd love a tool that enables us to create our own maps of cities, countries, compounds, galaxies/star clusters or solar systems.


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Integration with fantasy map tools (being able to link one that is created as an element?) would be cool, but I know that's a big ask.


Adam Bassett

No plans for creating maps in Campfire at the moment (that's a huge project) but we are planning some updates that will give you more options with any map you have uploaded—and like Finley suggested there are lots of tools like Asgaar's which let you create maps relatively quickly.

Might do it down the road, but definitely not in the next year or two.


Finley Dixon

Consider Azgaar's Fantasy Map. I'd be cool if Campfire would license the use or buy that tool. It has real promise

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