Improve Timeline Sections and Expand Timeline


At the moment, timeline sections only allow you to specify the years that the section takes place in, you can't specify the month and day that the section begins and ends. I want to make a multi-part story with multiple sections that take place over a single year, but right now I can only make one section for that single year, making the sections feature unhelpful to me.

Another thing is that if there are two events in the timeline that are too close to each other (a day or less apart) , when you expand the timeline, the second event is absent from the timeline. I don't like that some of my events are not visible if I need to take a look at the whole timeline.


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Adam (UX/UI)

Status changed to: Closed


Adam (UX/UI)

As for changing how dates are shown, you can already adjust this via Edit Timeline, which you can find in the overflow menu (three vertical dots). The one you have open in img 2.

If you need help with that we have a full tutorial here: www.campfirewriting.com/learn/timeline-tutorial

As for expanded timelines being a bit finicky, we're working on addressing that in an update coming soon. :)



Thanks for letting me know about the update to expanded timelines!

However, my issue with Sections still hasn't been addressed. I'm aware that you can change the settings to show specifics months, days, and hours an event takes place under Edit Timeline > General Timeline Options. My issue isn't with changing the way dates are shown on events, but that I can't change the way dates are shown on SECTIONS.

I want to be able to change the month and day a Section begins and ends, but right now I can only specify the year. If we're already able to specify the month and day an event takes place in, why not add that feature to Sections?



I appreciate the help


Adam (UX/UI)

Ah, I think I misunderstood the issue, then! Thanks for following up. I dont recall right now if that's part of the upcoming update, but I'll look into it.