Just fix the systems module flowchart


I have spent three and a half hours on something that should have taken thirty minutes using this module. The basic functionality is not hard to use, but making it look good/easily readable is very hard. It feels like I'm fighting the program instead of working with it. As a tool it does not do its job well when youre painfully aware of the program you're using instead of the work you're doing.

Concrete suggestions for improvements/wishlist:

Do something about the boxes. They are huge compared to the text, and when resizing, names turning into initials are not helping at all, it's unreadable and ugly. Have the text fill as much of the boxes as possible.

Also give us more tools other than element boxes, like explanatory text boxes, and maybe some basic icons to mark the boxes with in case you don't have pictures for every element.

More control over the relationship lines. Let me manually move them, give me the tools to tidy them like it suits me instead of the program deciding for me.

The settings for systems being hidden in a completely different part of the app is not intuitive or user friendly. Put it in the relationship key or just add another clickable thing in the toolbar. Move the setting for lines in the relationship key. Let us have more than one type of line at once, combining straight and curvy should be an option.

Again the boxes are so huge and the text is so small it's worth mentioning again

The arrows on the end of the lines don't even point straight all the time, also more options regarding arrows, like an arrow on both ends

More box options, round, rounded, square, outlined, color coded, and not every box should have to be an element


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I deeply wish that we could create boxes that do not have to be linked to an existing element and just exist as a text/image/anything box in the current system, and not anywhere else



Also: You can't rename or duplicate a flowchart page from the dropdown menu, but you can do it from the 'manage pages' menu.

Also also: when you create a new page, there is no option for it to be a new flowchart page. You have to duplicate an existing flowchart.



Wait ... no way. I duplicated the flowchart I just worked on for hours to get another one, even renamed the new one, started deleting the stuff from the old one to start fresh, and now I find out that they are both the same flowchart somehow?


Adam (UX/UI)

I don't think that duplicate flowchart pages is intentional, so that's likely a bug. If you want to report it to us here, we can take a closer look. www.campfirewriting.com/contact

As for the design issues, I'm taking a note and will take a peek at all of this later! Currently working on some other projects but we haven't taken a close look at the flowcharts in a hot minute so they're probably due for a review anyway. Thanks for reaching out to us!