Moving Chapters into Folders

Amanda Jeffery

I really like this program and am happy with its versatility, but I've come across one issue that I think could be easily fixed.

I'm writing my story and I've decided I want it to be in three parts. I created a folder for Part One and tried to move chapters into it, but I can't. All that I can do is create a folder and then start new chapters in there.

It would be super helpful and time saving to be able to move chapters into a different folder under the Manuscript Module after the fact. Otherwise, I have to create new chapters and move all of my notes as well. It's a very annoying, tedious project.


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Adam (UX/UI)

Status changed to: Closed


Adam (UX/UI)

You can move chapters into a folder! Just drag and drop them.

If you are having trouble, it may be a bug, which you can report here: www.campfirewriting.com/contact?typeOfRequest=report_a_bug



Perhaps you ran into a bug? I can definitely do what you are trying to do, even select multiple modules and moving them into any existing folder.