Permanently Hide "Resources & Recent Posts" from Writing Home View


One of the main turnoffs with World Anvil for me was having all the social features and blog posts shoved in my face once I finally sat down with the focus and time to open a project. I do appreciate that I can collapse them at least, but it is still one extra click and one extra tax on my attention that I don't get when I open Scrivener. On hectic days this makes me want to avoid Campfire altogether, as in resource precarity mode one chooses the path of least resistance.

I have already opted in to be notified when Campfire issues a post so I won't miss any vital information. Is there any way we can get a setting added, my friends?

PS thank you for the constant improvements, my collab and I are thrilled with the progress over the past couple of years and have purchased several lifetime modules.


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Adam (UX/UI)

This looks like a bug. The resources should stay closed if you previously closed themโ€”I've let the devs know to take a look at this. Thanks!

As for removing them entirely, I'm hesitant to do that. Campfire's got a lot going on so it's really important to us that news and other resources are easy to find. That said, I'll let the team know, and maybe I'll be out-voted one of these days. ๐Ÿ˜‚

PS Thank YOU for sticking with us for so long. We're thrilled you're enjoying CF. ๐Ÿ™



Hello! Thanks for the reply! It staying closed would solve all my problems; I'm pleased (?) to learn that it may be a bug! It happens on windows google chrome, current version (browser auto updates); the windows writers app; the mac intel writers app; and the mac browsers. Whenever I close the resources section, then exit the apps, it is open again when I re-launch the apps. Similarly, whenever I open a new tab in the same browser instance, or close and re-launch the browser, it is open again. The resources section also reopens if I navigate back to writing home in the same tab, or during the same app instance. I hope this helps!