Plotting/Outlining Module?

M. B. Robbins

I think this is what the timeline is meant for, but I can't get my head around the timeline, and even when I try, it's very clunky and hard to use. Something a little more clear that doesn't require a lot of thinking to make it work for plotting/outlining would be amazing. Even something like the Scrivener outline/note cards would be a lot more useful for outlining, and maybe those could be used to generate the more detailed timeline where you can then go into detail about things like arcs?


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It would be great to have an outlining system that is maybe a part of the manuscript module that makes it easy to format and move the points around.

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I just straight up can't understand how anyone can use the timeline at all, especially in numerical mode. The numbers are never just whole numbers--every number has a million decimals.

For example: My timeline numbers were set to, say, year 1590-1595, but when I try to add an event (let's say, 1 day), the default numbers might look something like 1590.07972557347, Duration: 0.0010571831787906055. And--okay, great, but what the hell is up with all these insanely specific numbers?!

Also, when making an event, what is "duration" exactly supposed to be representative of? If I want to make an event that spans one day, shouldn't the duration just be "1 day" in the event description? I just don't understand these numbers at all.

If I narrow down my range to 1 day or 1 year or something, I wish that the navigation bar could just snap to whole numbers instead of "splitting hairs" so to speak. Or better yet, I wish I could see numbers plotted out on the timeline always showing, instead of having the numbers only appear as I scroll across the timeline bar.



I agree. Plottr does a great notecard-like system too that's I think is super intuitive. An integration with that would be amazing, but I'm sure it's highly doubtful. The nice idea about the timeline module here is that when characters are attached to events, the graphs will update with the changes and you can see the character's emotional growth (or lack thereof). I imagine that feature isn't ready yet like it was in Campfire Pro but I can't figure out the timeline at all here, and the built-in guide isn't helpful in the slightest as the module won't behave to begin with. There isn't any ability to create different eras, either, and the numerical calendar is really confusing.

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