Polygonal/Freehand zone tools

Ender Nightwell

With the zones, I find the 3 basic types a bit limiting for state/continent mapping.
So, how about another tool that works like the polygonal selection tool in PS or other art programs.
And for more natural-looking zones, perhaps something like the freehand selection tool?


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Adam (UX/UI)

What exactly are you looking for in other polygons?


Ender Nightwell

Basically to roughly map out the entire shape of a state/country, which tends to be difficult without overlapping the basic shapes.
The idea of the polygonal/freehand tool is to be able to make more complex shapes to fit it.


Adam (UX/UI)

The abstract zone tool was intended for that. You can create your own shapes, modify them, add and manipulate points, etc. Have you tried that yet?