Renaming Heat Level "Clean" to "No Heat" or "No Sex"

Claudie Arseneault


I write fiction with no sexual content at all, and I'm super uncomfortable with the use of "Clean" as my tag. It's a very contentious one, as it implies that sex is *unclean* and is often associated with Christian spaces or purity culture. There is a growing movement, both in Romance communities and out of them, to do away with it and use more neutral terms. This is especially important in LGBTQ communities, for whom any sex is absolutely deemed unclean. Thank you!


Activity Newest / Oldest


Ancient Frost

Hard agree



Also reword Sweet and Spicy, because, right now. Sweet involves "monogamous" relationships and Spicy involves "multiple partners." Implying that polyamory is inherently sexual. And as someone who is an asexual and polyamorous and writes stories about asexuals in polyamorous relationships, this is gross and down right disrespectful. Side note, "polyamorous" is considered incorrect spelling, so maybe fix that as well.