Rework of Timelines and Calendars


I find myself struggling with the Timeline a lot more than I feel I need to. The current way it works is just not condusive to creating a large number of events.
Features I would like to see.
1. In Gnatt Chart the ability zoom in and out using the scroll wheel so that I could easily go in and out of different time periods without having to select Gantt Chart>Visible Range and enter specific dates and repeat this every time I want to view something different. The ability to have it dynamically adjust so that when I zoom it it breaks down into months, then days, than hours would be far more convenient.
2. I don't know if I am missing this but the option to have an event over a period of time. If there is a war or festival that lasts a while having to create separate beginning and end dates just makes it less connect, the ability on top of this to add sub events were this war lasts over these years and these sub events happen on these dates.
3. I saw this requested in one of the comments on the timeline module tutorial. The ability for events to open the details in a side window instead of taking up the entire screen so we can view the timeline while working on an event.
4. Another side window/bar request is while viewing an event or the time to have a side bar like available when writing a manuscript so I can view other entities. Bonus points if this can also show a list of all the events in the timeline in chronological order with filter options.
5. Different view options for the Gantt Chart. A more default style timeline where there is a time line down the center and events are show off that in boxes with their descriptions and pointers indicating where they are on the timeline.
6. Getting into Timelines and Calendars now. The ability to have a characters age calculated for different events based on their birthday. I think I saw this somewhere else i feature requests and I 100% support it. A static age for characters is so inefficient when I am writing multiple books with a character or just one that covers an extended period of time. Alternative option just have the ability to set a current date for a project and have characters ages calculated based off that and their birthday.
7. In Calendars the ability to scroll between months, having to manually select each month instead of just being able to scroll down is a interruption to the creative process that doesn't seem like it needs to exist as the ability to scroll through months is an almost universally standard calendar feature.
8. Some type of toggle when creating events on the Calendar to then have those events populate to the Timeline. A check box or something.

Sorry if any of these features already exist but I was unable to find them.