Searchable tags for elements (and my life is yours)


I’d imagine it would go under ‘attributes’, or as part of ‘details’. The idea is just a simple tag system- I tag a few locations, characters, maps and systems with #redkingdom, and when I search #redkingdom in the project, all tagged elements come up. Now I can very quickly see the entire list of elements I have created for the red kingdom! Since folders are module-specific, currently I have to make separate Red Kingdom folders for every single module, which is a bit of a pain, and isn’t easily scannable. Please. A tags system is my #1 wish for campfire.


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Ancient Frost

I think it would be nice if this was integrated directly with the attributes as well. Say if you're looking for all the species in a certain habitat, you can filter by the "Native Habitat" attribute for the one you want. Also having a separate attribute for other tabs that aren't already covered by attributes would be good too but this way you don't have to tag everything that's already listed and can sort for a specific attribute type.